1st option : ( Buy Hosting get Domain Free )
This option is not literally free, but you get a domain for free when you buy hosting plan. There are many hosting providers who will provide you with a free domain name when you buy one of their hosting plans. You can check out these offers at registrants like godaddy, bigrock, bluehost etc. There are few hosting companies who offer lifetime free domain with no renewal cost involved as well when you buy a particular hosting plan.2nd Option : ( Absolutely Free Domain Name )
Yes the more preferred option when you don't wanna spend any money on buying a domain name and want to make a website for free. You can get a completely free domain name at Freenom.com. These guys are the world's first and only free domain providers. You can register a domain with freenom at zero cost. Yes but there is a catch there are only a few top level domains in which you get a domain for free. So you can't buy a .com or a .net for free. What you can get is a .tk or .cf for absolutely free. Yes its worth it. it's better than having a website which says dailynews.wordpress.com, you can get a dailynews.tk which will be absolutely free.Do check out our post on How to Make a Website for Free.